Prairie Shores Management LLC dumps Runaway Bay at Palatine

In a historic "first" for Prairie Shores Management LLC, the management company fired the condominium association. After over three months of struggling to gain the cooperation of the Board of Directors of Runaway Bay at Palatine Condominium Association, the management company has terminated the contract to manage the 346 unit project.

"In all my 40 years of managing property, I have never witnessed a more corrupt bunch of Board members" said company President Richard Holtzman. Not withstanding all of our extreme efforts to get them to operate with both transparency and within the laws of the State of Illinois, these folks absolutely refused to follow simple rules that all condo Boards must comply with. We simply chose to not enable them to enter into agreements with their cronies. From selective enforcement of collections to the payment of expenses, this Board continued to apply a policy of favoritism to their decisions. We simply wanted no part of this conduct."

"We have a sterling reputation of obeying all the rules of the Illinois Condominium Property Act. We will continue to work with Associations that understand their fiduciary obligations to their fellow homeowners."